in ThIs LiFe

in ThIs LiFe

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


My cat dies 2days ago n i just know it 2day when my mother called during sahur this morning...
that cat that i mention is the one and only angah's most beloved cat..also mine...
what make sad is seeing his photo without seeing him in real life....

PORONG is so unique that there is no other cat have...his was so big, fluffy, the son of CARAMEL n really likes to eat ikan keli abah n ummi...being so degil to hisap susu mak die eventhough he is old enough...everything bout him is so unique...
we love him the way he is.....
PORONG is not the only cat that all my family cried bout. there are PANDA, BELANG, and others...there are like our own family be feed, to be hug, to play with...
the reason i miss him is i cant meet him for the last time...
now, i'm looking forward to go home and hug all my cats, kiss them, pampered all of them as i dont want to miss anything.
PORONG...we all love u so much more than anyone can imagine..

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